Help make a change!

As a fairly new non-profit organization, volunteers are the foundation of our organization. Our dedicated volunteers made our first Green Ramadan project a large success, have created this website and are working diligently on the Curriculum project. Join a diverse group of volunteers on one of our various teams where your strengths can shine or where you can learn a new skill. There is no minimum hour commitment required from a volunteer.

Snowy Mountain and woods

Become a Volunteer



A Change!

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Become a Member

As our organization grows, we welcome new members. Members (who can also be volunteers) have the right to run for a position on the board, to vote at Annual General Meetings and to direct where Green Ummah goes in the future. We welcome all people to join as members, which can be done by filling out the form and sending it to

Members have to pay a one-time $20 application fee and yearly dues. In order to make membership accessible, potential members can elect whether to pay $30 annually or whether to volunteer 30 hours. If you have any concerns about the fees, please contact the board at and we promise to do our best to accommodate.

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