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Tixel dry eye treatment – FAQs

Earlier this month we announced that Midland Eye is offering a new treatment called Tixel® to help treat long-standing dry eye symptoms in patients. But what is Tixel® , how long does it take to administer and how many treatments are required? We answer some frequently asked questions

Eye health in the ‘new normal’ – what you need to know

Lockdown increased people’s screen time with a survey of 2,000 people suggesting that half used screens more since Covid struck, and a third (38%) believed their eyesight had worsened during this time. One in five adults also said they were less likely to get an eye test now than before the pandemic, in fear of catching the virus. So what can be done to protect your vision in 'the new normal'? Professor Sunil Shah has a few suggestions…

Midland Eye seven day service – “a huge success so far”

Five months on after the move to a seven day service, Anne Sharkey, Operations Manager, reflects on the difference it has made to the team and how patients have reacted to being able to access specialist eye care on the weekends as well as during the week in the evenings.

Fact or fiction? 10 misconceptions about glaucoma

People are becoming increasingly aware of the group of eye diseases known as glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in the UK. Despite the condition becoming increasingly discussed, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about this eye disease. Leading eye expert Mr Thomas Ressiniotis sets out the facts to dispel the most common myths about glaucoma.

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Fact or fiction? 10 misconceptions about glaucoma

People are becoming increasingly aware of the group of eye diseases known as glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in the UK. Despite the condition becoming increasingly discussed, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about this eye disease. Leading eye expert Mr Thomas Ressiniotis sets out the facts to dispel the most common myths about glaucoma.

Tixel dry eye treatment – FAQs

Earlier this month we announced that Midland Eye is offering a new treatment called Tixel® to help treat long-standing dry eye symptoms in patients. But what is Tixel® , how long does it take to administer and how many treatments are required? We answer some frequently asked questions