
Nick Dash has won an international award at the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Clinical Conference and Exhibition.

Congratulations Nick!

Consultant Optometrist Nick Dash, a specialist in dry eye and medical contact lenses, has won an international award at the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Clinical Conference and Exhibition.

He was presented with the ‘Dry Eye Practitioner of the Year’ award staged at the prestigious ACC venue in Liverpool from June 9-11. This three day event attracted more than 1,000 UK and international contact lens professionals at all stages of their career.

Nick, who joined Midland Eye earlier this year, to run the dry eye clinic has over 30 years experience in a broad range of optometric settings from NHS Hospitals, Private Hospital and Academia. Commenting on the award Nick said: “I was delighted to receive this accolade, particularly in view of the prominent people that had been nominated. This award is not just for me but for Midland Eye which has supported the ongoing process of innovation and delivery.

Dry eye is a growing health issue within our society.  One factor for this is the extensive use of computers which change the habits of individuals who tend to blink less when looking at a VDU screen. Another significant factor is that of air conditioning and the increased level of controlled environments in which we live and work.

“Far too many people are putting up with dry eye which can intrude into the quality of their lives and, according to one quality of life index, it can  – in some cases – reach a rating on a par with suffering associated with angina.

“There are a variety of innovative treatments available for this condition such as Intensive Light Therapy (IPL), alongside simple but coherent strategies developed in general practice.”





Date: 19/06/2017