
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


On Thursday 15th June 2017 it is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Started by the UN in 2012, this global event looks to raise awareness of the abuse the elders in our society are subjected to and looks to raise awareness to prevent and expose the dangers.

Elder abuse can be financial, physical, sexual, emotional or is caused by neglect. The Action on Elder Abuse website claims Elder Abuse affects about 500,000 older people across the UK each year! The one thing each form of Elder Abuse has in common is that only around 6% of cases are reported.

This year’s theme as declared by the UN “Understand and End Financial Abuse of Older People: A Human Rights Issue.”

Financial Abuse in the UK takes many forms: out-right theft, fraud, misuse of property and Power of Attorney as well as denying access to funds. The risk factors of falling victim of financial abuse include: social isolation, cognitive impairment or other dependencies on the abuser. This year’s theme hopes to highlight preventing financial exploitation.

Midland Eys is helping to raise awareness of this importnant event.



Date: 15/06/2017